Friday, February 1, 2008

A Challenge to Dr. Robert Gallo to Debate the ORIGIN of AIDS

January 19, 2008
A Challenge to Dr. Robert Gallo to Debate the ORIGIN of AIDS
Northern Illinois University
Center for Black Studies,
February 7, 2008, 7p.m.
Dear Bob:
Please give me a return call to see if you can join me for a debate on the “ORIGIN of AIDS” to be held at Northern Illinois University on February 7, 2008. You may recall we have previously spoken on this issue and you have given conflicting answers, perhaps understandably so. However, on 60 MINUTES you stated that “monkeys” were the best bet for the origin of HIV/AIDS, in the sense that they do bite (Africans). In contrast, however, you conclude in your autobiography that “sheep” are the etiological origin of HIV/AIDS. See, page 157.
The question is: “When did visna cross species”? You conclude in your 1985 science article that HIV/AIDS evolved from an “Icelandic sheep disease” (visna). See, Science Vol. 227, pp. 173 – 7, January 1985. You also provide electron microscopes to show the ‘identical nature’ of HIV and visna. Since visna has been around since Tuskegee ( 1932), how could HIV have been a mystery to you?
Please give me a call and try to join me in debate on this most important matter. Your empty podium will be reflective of the truth about the U.S. Special Virus program (1962 – 1978). According to the fifteen progress reports of this secret federal virus development program, you were a “Project Officer”. See, page 104, progress report #8 (1971) U.S. Special Virus program. In this capacity you isolated a human retrovirus (the esp-1 virus) and reported it on page 335 as paper #650, “Reverse Transcriptase of Type C Virus Particles of Human Origin”. See, Nature New Biology, Vol. 232, pp. 140 – 4, 1971.
Your 1971 electron microscope of the esp-1 virus is identical to your 1985 electron microscope of HIV/AIDS. Also, the current government anatomical poster, “Understanding HIV and AIDS” is equally, frighteningly similar.
The sheep sequences in HIV ALONE prove HIV/AIDS did not come from monkeys and Africans, but from the recombinant laboratories of the United States , under your leadership. I await your call.


574 Garrett Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910

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